Normally everyone starts out the first post of a blog to describe what the reader will be embarking on during an arduous and monotonous of reading a blog. However, I will attempt to not make this a long post. I only expect about 4 to 5 people to actually read this blog in the first place.
I have started the hobby of Amateur Astronomy and Astrophotography. I have made many attempts to photograph distant stars and neighboring planets and posted them on forums. Today I have decided to start posting my findings in a blog instead of a private forum.
I do not ask for anything other than advice. If you are a more experienced astronomer (on any level), feel free to contact me in any way and I will attempt to glean from your information.
The photographs I will be posting (at the time of this post) will be of whatever I can steady the camera and telescope at and find something that will stay in the view for more than 30 seconds. I haven't mastered my telescope or my camera yet. There is a mount I can get for my telescope that I may end up getting in the near future to take the pictures without having to do a balancing act between both pieces of equipment. I had my wife assist me on a lot of the shots because she could manage the camera while I tried to keep the object in the sky.
I don't pretend to know what I am talking about and I am not going to pretend to have more knowledge than someone else. I am just doing this to keep myself occupied and to have fun. Who knows, I may learn something while doing all this reading and posting.
So for the time being, enjoy (or try to enjoy).
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