The Pithy Amateur Astronomer

The adventure and aggregation of a short-winded amateur astronomer.

Finally there was a break in the weather and I was able to go outside and observe the moon and Saturn.

Unfortunatly, Saturn was not very photogenic tonight. However, I do I have a picture of the moon for your viewing pleasure.

Just for informational purposes, the moon phase was waxing crescent. My favorite feature is where the light meets the dark. There is more definition on the craters in my honest opinion.


Now thats better :)

But we've seen the moon travis, try for something else. You've gotten great pictures of the moon but try finding others. :D

I tried to get a picture of Saturn but still lack the proper equipment. I know everyone sees the moon but I believe we take it for granted because it is always in the sky.

Sometimes we need to just stop and observe the simple things before we take on the unknown.

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Moon Phase