The Pithy Amateur Astronomer

The adventure and aggregation of a short-winded amateur astronomer.

If you ever wanted to explore the sky from your home, there are free software available to you that can help you achieve this.

Stellarium - - Good for looking at what the sky would like like from your back yard. You can go to different moons of different planets and see what the planet would look like while on that moon (Search Io, then press control + g, it's pretty cool)

Celestia - - I haven't used this one too much but I like to just type a keyword in and it will take you to that location. It provides a different point-of-view but I haven't figured out how to master the software yet.

Google Earth - - Google Earth has a sky mode. It also lets you explore the Moon and Mars. Also there is a flight simulator that lets you fly a plane on Earth, the Moon, and Mars. I challenge you to start at a random spot on Mars and fly to the Olympus Mons (the biggest known mountain in our solar system).

WIKISKY.ORG - - I have looked at this one a bit and it's similar to using Google Maps to navigate the sky. It is handy if you just wanted to browse and are not able to install software or just don't want to spend the time messing with software.


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