The Pithy Amateur Astronomer

The adventure and aggregation of a short-winded amateur astronomer.

"OOOOOO PRETTY" -What my nephew would say.

This star cloud was featured on APOD and, as always, I thought I would share it.


Explanation: What's lighting up nebula IRAS 05437+2502? No one is sure. Particularly enigmatic is the bright upside-down V that defines the upper edge of this floating mountain of interstellar dust, visible near the image center. In general, this ghost-like nebula involves a small star forming region filled with dark dust that was first noted in images taken by the IRAS satellite in infrared light in 1983. Shown above is a spectacular, recently released image from the Hubble Space Telescope that, although showing many new details, has not uncovered a clear cause of the bright sharp arc. One hypothesis holds that the glowing arc was created by a massive star that somehow attained a high velocity and has now left the nebula. Small, faint IRAS 05437+2502 spans only 1/18th of a full moon toward the constellation of the Bull (Taurus).

Older video but still worth to watch. I keep hearing people go on about 2012 blah blah blah. This video brings up some pretty good points refuting those ideas.


Source: / NASA / Goddard / SDO AIA Team

Earlier this week, the Sun released a Coronal Mass Ejection that made the 93 million mile trip to Earth. I have been searching for images of the auroras and finally found one on Thankfully the Earth possesses safety measures to keep us from getting nuked by our nearest star.

Source: and

I was looking forward to hearing about my favorite Mars robot (Spirit) waking up but it isn't looking like it will happen. It is a sad but good outcome for the little rover. Who knows, maybe one day when no one is looking she will wake up and talk our ears off.


Moon Phase