A sliver of the crescent Earth shines in bright blue in this ultraviolet view of the planet taken May 21, 2010 by Japan's Akatsuki probe headed for Venus.
How do astronauts go potty in space? Watch this video to find out!
I know it sounds childish but I can't help but snicker when they use terms such as "docking" when it comes to proper technique.
I was browsing around the Spitzer Space Telescope Astronomical Images gallery when I found an image that would make a great poster.
I haven't posted recently because I have been really busy with finding out I am going to be a father. A future amateur astronomer is going to be welcomed into my family. Due date is sometime in November (I am hoping in middle of the month or Halloween since we have a lot of family members with November birthdays).
I have been watching a lot of Astronomy Picture of the Day by NASA. The latest one was M72: A Globular Cluster of Stars.
Source: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap100512.html
Guenter (Günter) Wendt died today at the age of 85. Wendt died after being hospitalized for congestive heart failure and then suffering a stroke.
The first time I heard of Guenter was from the movie Apollo 13.
For more information, read about him on Wikipedia.
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